@RiverGang: statistics can indeed lie, the term fully vaccinated has a rather fluid definition, it applies only to people who got all 3 or 4 shots in the last few months. If you get, 1-2 shots or you got your booster 6 months ago, you are no longer considered vaccinated.
So you can’t compare the numbers in regards people that received a vaccine in the last 2 years (80-90% of people) with the “unvaccinated hospitalized” definition because those are two different sets of people. In the US at least, the CDC admitted that 50% of the people considered hospitalized for COVID are actually there for different primary reasons, I’m sure other countries have similar measurement issues. According to Kaiser-Permanente, one of the largest medical systems in California, the omicron and delta variant had people hospital stays reduced from 2 weeks to 3 days, indicating the majority of cases aren’t severe enough to even require a stay in the hospital (such as parents rushing to the ER when their kid has a cough). Only 1 person in their system seems to have died “from omicron” instead of “with omicron”, none required a ventilator.
Due to the Biden admin approval rating dipping below that of Donald Trump at his worst, they are quickly adjusting all their messages and measurements here in the US to make them look better. The CDC and Fauci are now changing messaging on everything from stats to vacc to mask to lockdown. One could say, it will definitely be more according to what many doctors in the Great Barrington Declaration wrote would actually be more scientific. Whether other countries will follow is another question, people in Australia would have to stand up to their tyrannical governments the way the US has been threatening with 40% of the population now favoring armed insurrection.
If we believe the stats, all the unvaccinated would have died or been hospitalized several times over already, especially since the vaccination rates amongst the vulnerable are much higher than the average in the population.